We have a dedicated family of volunteers, ranging from teens to seniors, who devote hundreds of hours each year to assist and support our healthcare team members as they provide quality care to our patients. Our volunteers provide service in a variety of ways, depending on their interests and abilities.
Volunteering in the Hospital
Volunteering Positions:
- Cancer Center Driver or Runner
- Gift Shop
- Hospice Office/Respite
- Information Desk
- Office Aide
- Patient/Family Advisory Council
- Pet Therapy Program (Requires Certified Trained Therapy Dog)
- Surgery Waiting
Hospice care involves supporting the patient and their loved ones. Hospice volunteers are a vital part of providing compassionate support. This can be done in a variety of ways:
- Companionship with the patient
- Caregiver Relief (Respite care)
- Practical Services
- Office Support
Summer Teen Volunteer Program
The DRH Health Volunteer Auxiliary sponsors a summer teen volunteer program. Teens are given the opportunity to volunteer during the months of June and July. More information, as well as the application, may be found using the link below. Applications are accepted between March 1 and April 15 each year. Any questions may be directed to Betty Beck, CAVS, Director of Volunteer Services at betty.beck@drhhealth.org or by calling 580.251.8495.
Auxiliary Scholarship
Scholarship is for (One) Junior and (One) Senior for $1,000.00 to be applied to university charges:tuition, fees, books, etc. The criteria for this scholarship is as follows:
1) Maintain a 2.0 grade point average.
2)If a 2.0 GPA is not maintained or the student drops enrollment from the University, the balance of the money in their account would be returned to Duncan Regional Hospital Auxiliary.
3)If student transfers to another university or college, a request will be made in writing that the balance of the money be transferred to the specific university or college.
How Do I Become a Volunteer?
Some of the most visible and valuable people at our hospital are our volunteers. Becoming a Duncan Regional Hospital volunteer means you’ll join an elite group of individuals of the DRH auxiliary team that have one goal – to provide compassionate care to our patients and their families.