
Acknowledgement of Expectations of DRH Health Medical and Allied Health Staff

Expectations of DRH Health Medical and Allied Health Staff

1. I agree to treat my fellow members of the medical and allied health staff with collegiality and respect at all times.
2. I pledge to work with the hospital personnel for the betterment of patient care.
3. I agree to treat hospital employees with respect at all times and to conduct myself in a professional manner at all times.
4. I understand that my medical staff privileges require that I complete all medical records in the time limits prescribed by the Medical Staff Bylaws, Medical Staff Rules and Regulations and/or the Allied Health Practitioner Staff policy.
5. I understand that attendance at medical staff committee and staff meetings is encouraged.
6. I understand that an attitude of cooperation and understanding are of paramount importance to the success of DRH Health and pledge to maintain that attitude.
7. I will respond to the Emergency Department within the time required when called.
8. When requesting a consultation or checking out to another provider, I will contact the other provider personally and when rendering a consult, I will respond in a timely manner to the requesting provider.
9. I agree to arrive timely for surgery so as not to delay other surgeons who follow or unnecessarily delay the anesthesia OR staff.

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY