I acknowledge and agree to abide by the Conflicts of Interest Policy of DRH ("Policy") which requires me to:
a. Disclose the existence and nature of any Financial Interest that may give rise to an actual, perceived or potential Conflict of Interest in accordance with the Policy.
b. Put the interest of DRH and its Affiliates before a personal interest in any business or corporate opportunity which I learn of in my role for DRH or its Affiliates.
c. Abstain from participating and absent myself from any meetings, decisions or matters where I have an actual, perceived or potential Conflict of Interest.
d. Not accept any favor, payment in cash or in kind, gifts (other than those given in recognition for service or achievement from DRH or its Affiliates), or other items of service of value from any third party in exchange for influencing the actions of DRH or its Affiliates.
e. Supplement this disclosure in the event that a Conflict of Interest, that has not yet been disclosed, arises.